Can I change the wording for the Add To Cart buttons?

If you're looking to change what shows on the Add To Cart buttons or need to translate it to a different language, this document will detail how to get that done!

All you need to do is add the following additional script either just before or just after your Foursixty embed code we give you for you gallery and it will adjust the wording for you. 

window.foursixtyTranslations = {
'ADD_TO_CART': 'Add to Cart',
'INCOMPLETE_VARIANT_SELECTION_ERROR': 'All options should be selected!',
'CANCEL': 'Cancel',
'CHECKOUT': 'Proceed to Checkout',
'OUT_OF_STOCK': 'Sold out',
'CONTINUE_SHOPPING': 'Continue Shopping',
'ADDED_TO_CART': 'Added to Cart',
'CART_NOW_HAS': 'Your cart now has'

You would specify what you want it to say within the single quotation marks (but it is very important not to change those as double quotation marks won't work correctly).

Here is an example of where it should be placed:


And here are the resuts: