How do I connect Pinterest to my Foursixty Dashboard?

Foursixty allows you to connect Pinterest Boards to your account and will pull images into your feed.

Important things to know:

  • You cannot connect individual Pins, but instead you can connect a board of saved Pins in your account and Foursixty will pull in images from that.
  • If the board is already created and has Pins saved to it, Foursixty will pull up to 25 of the newest Pins into your feed, then will pull in any new ones added after connecting.

Connecting your Pinterest Board to Foursixty:

Step 1:
Ensure that you are logged into your Pinterest account, view your profile, then click Saved and click on the Board that you want to connect to Foursixty (or create a new one specifically to connect).

Step 2:
Log into your Foursixty Dashboard on a different tab and select Networks from the Menu (in the top-right corner).


Step 3:
Click on the Additional Networks line to open more options and then click on the Pinterest line.


Step 4a:
Go back to your Pinterest tab, highlight the URL to the Pinterest board, and copy it for the next step.


Step 4b:
Click the white space under "Pinterest board URL", then paste your copied link from Pinterest there and click the Save button.


Step 5:
After saving the URL, it will appear in the Connected Pinterest Account area of that page.


Step 6:
Now that your Pinterest Board is connected in Networks, click on Posts, then click on the Refresh Content drop-down and select the Pinterest Board URL.


This will force Foursixty to immediately pull in the 25 newest images saved to that board and will make them available for you to tag and make visible in your feed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Support Team and we'd be happy to help wherever we can.