How do I connect my Instagram Business to access: Insights, UGC, etc. ?

In this article you will connect your Instagram Business account to ensure your account runs smoothly.

Step 1:
Click Networks and select Instagram Business:
Dashboard › Foursixty 2020-08-31 14-40-26

Step 2:
Click "Log In with Facebook" to authorize your Facebook/Instagram business account.
Import Instagram Business › Foursixty 2020-08-31 14-02-45

Step 3:

You will be sent to Facebook to log in. Please log into your Facebook business account. If you are already logged into Facebook from another browser session, this step may be skipped by your browser as it will auto-authenticate the account you are logged into already.

Step 4:
You will be prompted to accept our request to pull in your Facebook/Instagram business account information. Simply click "Continue as..." or "Edit Settings" if you need to specify which account we can connect to (there may be 1 more step to verify depending on the account. Simply click "Continue"):

(17) Log in With Facebook 2020-08-31 14-41-23

Step 5:
You will be brought back to Foursixty . Here you will see your business accounts. 
Simply select the account you want to attach to Foursixty and click "Connect".

Once you click "Connect" it should show as "Connected" (you may be prompted to "Continue", please do so):

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Congrats! You have now connected your Instagram Business account with Foursixty!
This will help maximize your value with Foursixty.

If you encounter any difficulties with this process or have any other questions, please reach out to us here!